We want to supercharge the visitor experience!

At Go Gaido we love exploring: our mission is to make discovering new destinations simpler, more engaging and more interesting by creating curated and personalised conversational travel assistants able to deliver self-guided tours and recommendations perfectly aligned with the kind of experience the visitor is after.

It’s ambitious, but we believe it’ll benefit everyone involved!

For visitors, it’ll mean less time spent planning, googling and deciding what to do - focusing instead on enjoying the holiday, doing things and learning about the aspects they most value.

For destinations, we provide an interactive and curated way to truly bring to life experiences and stories via multi-media formats and conversation - whilst retaining the ability to avoid overcrowding and directing flows of tourists!

For locals and curators, we offer the possibility to create and sell your own tours!

We believe in AI that empowers humans

We believe in technology so long as it’s there to create value for the humans involved. At Go Gaido we do not use AI to replace tour guides: on the other hand, we use it to enable them to provide services they otherwise wouldn’t be able to!

About Us at Go Gaido: Vision, Purpose, Goals and Values